The social care and employment sector in France

People with Intellectual disability |
Community |
Service provider
Whats the added value? |
- Self-confidence
- New experiences
- Wider social integration
- Εxpression for independent living
- Expression for finding a job
- Opportunity’s, visibility, Feel useful, capabilities
- The support that workers receive
- There are a lot of different types of adapted workplaces so people with an intellectual disability find a suited job more easily.
- Acknowledge of disabled people’s abilities
- Respect towards people with disabilities
- Strengthening the idea of active citizenship
- Fight against unemployment
- Return to society
- Being a member of a group
- Favors inclusion of workers with disabilities in the company
- A community where people with a intellectual disability are well included profits from this because every member in this community feels valuable.
- Acknowledge of disabled people’s abilities
- Respect towards people with disabilities
- Contribution to a noble cause
- Better understanding of the needs of our beneficiaries and their desires
- Flexibility to change works
- Flexible hours
- Different homes according to persons need
- There is a great variety in types of work designed for people with a intellectual disability. Non-disabled co-workers are well trained. There is also the possibility to work in the ‘normal’ work circuit.
What are the key factors to succes? |
- Persistence
- Self-trust
- Support
- Team-building
- Active role
- Estability, flexibility, Supports for a work continuity
- Pension + salary
- Good counseling to put the right person on the right job.
- Educational programs
- Vocational programs
- Open mindness
- Trust diverse social groups
- Flexibility
- Be visible
- To provide a sustainable form of work for people with an intellectual disability.
- Flexibility
- Life-long learning
- Research
- Active involvement through examples that are easy for them to understand
- Team-building
- UP Interim for persons with disabilities
- Few hours contract
- State economic support
- Reach out to, activate and follow up closely people with an intellectual disability.
Which barriers do we identify? |
- Long waiting period to enter at ESAT
- Long waiting period for MDPH to be recognized as disabled
- No recognition of the status of employee in ESAT
- accessibility (services out of community)
- The workplaces are often quite isolated and difficult to reach by public transport.
- High unemployment rate for people with disabilities
- Understaffing of Public Employment Services, like Cap Emploi
- difficulties for companies to hire people with intellectual disabilities
- People with an intellectual disability are not so easily accepted by a community.
- Financial resources (few funded places in Supported Employment Service)
- To keep these adapted companies working, the aim is to make profit. This in turn turns up the pressure to the workforces.
How to reduce the identified barriers? |
- More social interaction
- Improve the structures of MDPH
- Increase of job-coaches and supporters at Public Employment Services for better matching and holistic support.
- Showing talent and success situations
- There was already a service in place who picked up and dropped off the workers without means of public transport.
- Increase of job-coaches and supporters at Public Employment Services for better matching and holistic support.
- Knowing the people with disibility
- Contract UP Interim for persons with disabilities
- Open up the conversation between the different ‘segments’ of the community.
- Fundraising events
- Wider promotion
- Stronger cooperation wih Public and Private Sector
- The commitment of companies and administrations.
- Administration support
- Obligation of companies to hire 6% of people with disabilities
- be able to hire people with any degree of disability
- comunnity support (companies, customers) to contract at Sevel Services
- We were told that the government finances partially the ESAT-companies which lowers the work pressure.

Read the full final report: Brest Final report and program