Short Time Training 3: GREECE – Athens (14 – 16/12/2021)

 The social care and employment sector in Greece

ValorEmpl evaluation grid
  People with Intellectual disability Community Service provider
What is the added value? ·  Self-confidence;

·  Flexibility of the working hours and conditions;

·  Adaptability to the skills and capacity of people;

·  Gain experience, salary;

·  Respect of people work also under the financial angle: salary but also contributions for pension;

·  social integration

·  To confront and exchange experiences with other cultures and languages.

·    Acknowledgment of people skills

·    Respect of disability;

·    Participation in the community development.

·    Inclusion;

·    Acknowledgment of people skills;

·    Respect of disability;

·    Contribution to social inclusion;

·    Strong connection with the local community.

·    Social cooperatives and Open Labor Market that produces quality jobs.



What are the key factors to success? ·    Working together: people with

disability            are

involved       in   the

·     Open      mind and inclusion;

·     collaboration

between               the

·    Flexibility;

·    Believing in people belonging to disadvantaged

working activities together with the rest of the employees;

·    Proper matching of skills of the individuals with the working spaces and the duties allocated to them.

·    Valorisation          of disadvantaged people;

·    Support to people.

different partners;

·     Active participation of the community to the everyday life (working and personal life) of people with disabilities.


·     Educational          and training programs;

·     Life-long learning;


·     Peer learning and exchange programs for them;

·     Collaboration between        different groups                 and organisations;

·     Support     from    the

State:                 fiscal incentives.



Which barriers do we identify? ·    Prejudices;

·    No legislation for Supported Employment procedures (i.e. Job Coaches);


·    No legislation for the Sheltered Workshops and no salary for the beneficiaries there;


·    No financial support in the  cooperatives;


·     Prejudices;

·     Ignorance of the statues of disability;

·     Diffidence.

·    Lack of financial resources;

·    No legislation for Supported Employment procedures (i.e. Job Coaches);


·    No legislation for the Sheltered Workshops and no salary for the beneficiaries there;


How to reduce the identified barriers? ·    More             social interaction;


·    Employees can become members of the cooperatives and the organizations in the disability field in general.

·     Raise awareness: helping people to see talents, and not (only) disabilities. ·     Legislation for the Sheltered Workshops;

·     Legislation for the Supported Employment scheme;

·     Wider promotion;

·     Stronger cooperation with Public sector    and enterprises from the

Private Sector;


Read the full final report: Athens Final Report and program